Darius When to Get Trinity Over Black Cleaver
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Champion Spotlight
Recommended Items
- Playing As
- Playing Against
- Ability Usage
- Remember that your ability to
pull in opponents can be used through walls. Use this to ambush unaware opponents for a quick kill, such as in the jungle against the jungler early or mid game.
- Runes Usage
- Item Usage
- You should buy
The Black Cleaver on Darius as it syneries with his passive
Hemorrhage making it easy to stack up the armor reduction. After you've bought
The Black Cleaver you should try to only build tanky items as you will get enough ad from your passive once you've applied 5
stacks of Hemorrhage or killed someone with Darius'
Noxian Guillotine .
Trinity Force is a viable alternative, as Darius actually has a very high base AD, and his
Crippling Strike works as an auto reset, thus, it can apply on-hit and on-attack effects, including Spellblade. The attack speed from Trinity Force also allows Darius to stack
Hemorrhage faster with autos. This item is better against squishy teams in which the armor shred from
The Black Cleaver is less valuable, and the burst damage from Trinity Force is put to a better use.
- The
Dead Man's Plate is often very valuble to build on Darius due to his complete lack of mobility, while still giving some favorable extra stats.
Righteous Glory is also a viable option for the same reason.
Titanic Hydra is a viable option due to Darius having poor waveclear, Darius having
Crippling Strike to apply the on-hit damage a second time, and because he is going to stack HP.
Spirit Visage is a good option against magic damage champions, as it increases Darius' healing from his
Decimate and it is overall the magic resistance item that provides the highest amount of tankyness against magic damage.
Maw of Malmortius is a viable alternative for higher damage potential, although it means Darius can't buy
Sterak's Gage , as the shields don't stack.
Adaptive Helm is an alternative that is better than the other two options against DoT mages such as Malzahar, Brand, and Teemo, as well as sustained magic damage dealers like Kog'Maw.
Mortal Reminder and
Thornmail are both viable options for Grievous Wounds items for Darius. The former provides higher damage potential and even more armor penetration, in addition to its Grievous Wounds lasting for longer and being better against sustain casters, especially those that deal magic damage and don't mind Thornmail's armor, such as Vladimir and Swain. With that said, Thornmail is a viable option because it doesn't sacrifice any tankyness, and Darius tend to already have a lot of armor reduction, between
Apprehend and The Black Cleaver.
- Countering
Decimate deals reduced damage and does not apply
stacks of Hemorrhage if you are hit by the shaft. If you are cornered by him without any form of extra mobility to help you out, get very close to him in order to avoid his blade!
- It's sometimes recommended not pick champions like
Nasus or
Wukong that has a weak early game if
Darius has been picked, who happens to have a strong early game. Picking someone that can poke him well on the other hand such as
Gnar or
Swain can survive the lane better.
- Be wary when picking a ranged champion without mobility, however, as it is very difficult to escape from Darius if he manages to use
Apprehend , and most ranged champions will lose trades against Darius if he gets too close.
- Another option is to pick a champion that can stick very close to Darius, such as
Jax ,
Kayn (
Rhaast ),
Irelia , or
Riven . They can easily avoid being hit by the blade of
Decimate , denying him both the healing and a big portion of his damage, thus, they can win trades and possibly kill Darius before he manages to get 5 stacks of his passive.
- Champions with the ability to short trade, disengage and all-in are very effective counters, as they can chip away at
Darius and escape before he can deal
any meaningful damage while also being able to quickly kill him once he reaches low health. Examples include
Renekton ,
Riven ,
Tryndamere ,
Kled and
Akali . However,
Apprehend can
cancel most
dashes, so it is important not to be
Apprehended while disengaging.
- Be wary when picking a ranged champion without mobility, however, as it is very difficult to escape from Darius if he manages to use
- One of
Darius 's main weaknesses is his complete lack of mobility without the reliance on items. Once he enters a fight, he will have a hard time to escape.
- Stacking armor is less efficient against
Darius because
Noxian Guillotine ALWAYS deals true damage based on the number of
Hemorrhage stacks and the passive part of
Apprehend has percent armor penetration. It is strongly recommended to stack health against him in order to reduce the damage of his ulti unless he buys
The Black Cleaver ,
Mortal Reminder ,
Lord Dominik's Regards or
Blade of the Ruined King .
Noxian Might causes
Darius to glow visibly red, plays a distinctive sound and applies an
indicator, grants
Darius massively increased attack damage, allows
Noxian Guillotine to deal maximum
true damage , amplifies
Hemorrhage 's bleed damage and causes
Darius ' attacks on champions to refresh the passive for another 5 seconds and apply maximum
Hemorrhage stacks . If you see a glowing
Darius or
Noxus crests, wait for
Noxian Might to expire before engaging.
- Before rank 3,
Noxian Guillotine may only be re-cast for 20 seconds after its most recent kill before going on cooldown. During this period,
Darius is granted a
"Bloodthirsty" buff and faint red particles emanate visibly from his axe.
- ALWAYS remember at level 16,
Noxian Guillotine completely refreshes its cooldown whenever he kills someone with his ult.
- ALWAYS remember at level 16,
Darius When to Get Trinity Over Black Cleaver
Source: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Darius/Strategy
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