How Close Can a Deer Stand Be to a Property Line

Deer stand on neighbors fence?

So what are the ethics of placing a deer stand right on the fence line?

The place next to ours is leased out, and the hunters have put a stand right up against the fence. They have a feeder on their side, and we have a 50 acre wheat field, tank, and creek bottom on our side.

To me it seems a bit questionable.

nothing you can do. if they fire a projectile over your property line, then you can call the law. but proving that is next to impossible. Some
Wardens will talk to them if they think the placement is questionable, but there isn't much they can do either. Make nice with them.

That's one of those deals where it is legal, but not really ethical. I had it happen one time...I would go sit on my side of the fence next to the stand and turn the radio on, walk around "hunting" arrowheads, take the tractor up there and blade the know, things that were legal, but not really ethical. They did move the stand after a bit.

Note: Today you could have tuned in the the A&M game on the radio...that should have done some real damage.

[This message has been edited by Brush Country Ag (edited 10/16/2010 8:33p).]

get a plot watcher gam cam set to view down the fence line. Takes a pic every ten seconds day light to dark. If they trespass you have proof.

Go to a barber shop and get all thier hair clippings and spread them all over the fence line. Take a dump behind the stand. Shoot hogs and discard them along the fence. Etc etc etc.

Ask them to politely move their stand if they refuse and get upset with you then everything you kill gut them and dump the guts right next to the stand.

We have one on our fencline, as Doc said, we made it the boneyard about 100 yds away.

When this has happened, we have:

1. Parked our pickup next to the fence.
2. Years ago we tied the horn to the car cell phone and called it every so often.
3. Driving up the fence line right around prime hunting time.
4. Shoot a big nasty hog, drag it and leave it by the stand. They will have buzzards landing on the stand.

I would talk to them and see if you can work it out. Many of the things listed above fall under 'hunter harassment' and they can call the GW on you for doing them. If they don't budge, call their land owner and ask them to make them move it.

More than likely they won't move it. Hopefuly you can reconcile with them but I doubt it.

I was wondering about the hunter harrassment, too.

That's a tough one.

You might talk to them. I figure it would go one of two ways.

1. they know exactly what they are doing and tell you to mind your own business

2. they tell you they never thought of your points and promptly move their stand

Put up your own stand or something else that blocks any possible shooting lanes onto your property.

I don't understand why everyone is upset about hunting the fence line. What are the exact reasons you disapprove of it? If your lease is heavily wooded the fence line could be one of the few areas that is cleared out so you can see a long distance. Also on our place there are just a few spots where deer cross so it creates a bottleneck when they move.

Just because they put their feeder on the fence line they aren't stealing your deer. They could put it a few hundred yards in and the deer would find it too.

Now if they are shooting across the fence, shooting in the general direction of a dwelling, or trespassing that is a whole different story.

Build a billboard like wall to prevent any angles into your property.


Personally, if someone has a stand right on the fence line, and they're shooting AWAY from my property (not into it), I don't mind. That said, I'd probably tell them that if they're that close to my property line they run the risk of a stray bullet. Particularly since I'm going to try to shoot any deer coming across my land trying to get to their feeder.

[This message has been edited by SR90 (edited 10/17/2010 6:55p).]

sr90 makes a good point.

Assuming they aren't shooting across the fence, I think I'd rather have them shooting away from the fence than in a stand 200 yards away shooting towards it.

You could put your own stand up on your side of the line. They can sit in theirs and hunt on their side while you sit in yours and hunt on your side.

I guess it really comes down to where their windows are. A coworker had an issue with this years back with the property adjacent to his families land. Their issue was bigger though. They not only were hunting the fence line, they were hunting the access to my coworkers feeders. Eventually my the family ended up highfencing that side of their property. Oddly enough you'd really think the owners of a couple of hundred acres would have an interest in playing nice when they're surrounded by thousand acre tracts...

Did they shoot across property line? If the access points to the feeder went across their property, thats called fair game.

[This message has been edited by nnichols (edited 10/18/2010 8:26a).]

i don't understand the problem either as long as they are not shooting on your property. better for them to shoot along the fence line and into their property than be 150 yards away shooting directly at your property.

i don't understand the problem either as long as they are not shooting on your property. better for them to shoot along the fence line and into their property than be 150 yards away shooting directly at your property.

Put you own stand right up against the fence line against theirs. That way you have someone to visit with when your hunting your side.

It's all fine as long as they're not shooting on your side of the fence. However, I tend to believe that if they are unethical enough to put the stand there to begin with, that they are unethical enough to shoot that big buck walking down the fence line and just won't cross over to their side...

I have a nice neighbor (non hunter) he told us to put a stand up next to his fence and if we saw anything on his side go ahead and take it as long as we dont shoot his cattle...not an issue aint seen a cow that looks like a deer yet! We recipricate by letting him run his cattle on our property Feb through Sept so everyone is happy..

Mothballs. Deer can't stand them.

Where is your place? I have a blind set up on a fence line, but the other side is not hunted.

Our landowners have had in our lease agreement that "any stands would be no closer than 150 yards from a property line" since the first day we leased the place out.I guess they wanted to dummy proof any hunters not being good neighbors to the border properties.And the other land owners did the same.

It's like the Ground Zero's may be legal, but ethics trump it.

It happened to me years ago. I would park there and walk to my blind. The 150 yard in rule is a good one.


Last night, the property owner adjacent to us who has his deer feeder 30 yards off our fenceline and his stand a hundred yards on the other side of it (So he shoots into our place) took a shot while I was walking back to the truck. Scared the living hell out of me.

Hope he's cool about it & will move his feeder and/or stand. Bad thing is he's cleared off virtually all the brush off his place, and he uses the feeder to draw them out of ours. If not, I think the game warden would probably advise him that his set up is extremely unsafe for us.

Will keep y'all posted.

I know the feeling. The same people that likely had heli hunters hunt over our property also have a hanging feeder hanging from our limb that hangs over there side and it's tide to the base of the tree which is across the fence. They shoot towards our fence as well using the same tactic of drawing deer from our woods since there 100acre + property is entire open field.

Two of our neighbors lease hunters have feeders on our fence rows. Found them opening day. Have called both landowners but no movement yet. Told them it wasn't safe for us with their hunters shooting toward and more than likely into our property.

If it was me, I would bet the bears are bad in your part of the country and known to push over feeders to get the corn.

have a hanging feeder hanging from our limb that hangs over there side and it's tide to the base of the tree which is across the fence.

Cut the limb on your side of the fence.

FYI those of you interfering with hunters are possibly committing a misdemeanor, whereas Mr Property Line Hunter is simply being a jerk.

Sec. 62.0125. HARASSMENT OF HUNTERS, TRAPPERS, AND FISHERMEN. (a) This section may be cited as the Sportsman's Rights Act.
(b) In this section:
(1) "Wildlife" means all species of wild mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, or amphibians.
(2) "Process of hunting or catching" means any act directed at the lawful hunting or catching of wildlife, including camping or other acts preparatory to hunting or catching of wildlife that occur on land or water on which the affected person has the right or privilege of hunting or catching that wildlife.
(c) No person may intentionally interfere with another person lawfully engaged in the process of hunting or catching wildlife.
(d) No person may intentionally harass, drive, or disturb any wildlife for the purpose of disrupting a person lawfully engaged in the process of hunting or catching wildlife.
(e) No person may enter or remain on public land or enter or remain on private land without the landowner's or his agent's consent if the person intends to disrupt another person lawfully engaged in the process of hunting or catching wildlife.
(f) This section does not apply to a peace officer of this state, a law enforcement officer of the United States, a member of the armed forces of the United States or of this state, or employees of the department or other state or federal agencies having statutory responsibility to manage wildlife or land during the time that the officer, member, or employee is in the actual discharge of official duties.
(g) A person who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
(h) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that the defendant's conduct is protected by the right to freedom of speech under the constitution of this state or the United States.

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How Close Can a Deer Stand Be to a Property Line


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