Dr Westin Childs Hashimoto's Diet

show episodes

You can expect these things from my podcast: - Well researched information that you can trust. - Short but concise podcast episodes (5-10 minutes in length). - Actionable information that can help you improve your health. - Consistent updates (weekly). I'm Dr. Westin Childs (D.O.), an osteopathic physician, who specializes in helping you improve your health through balancing your hormones. I strongly believe that the key to leading a long healthy life is by keeping your hormones (testosteron ...

If you have hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, etc.) and are looking to do everything to avoid radioactive iodine and thyroid surgery, then this podcast is for you! Dr. Eric Osansky is the host, as he personally was diagnosed with Graves' disease in 2008 and was able to get into remission taking a natural approach. He created this podcast to help others with hyperthyroidism save their thyroid and regain their health.

show series

Although focusing on diet and lifestyle factors should be the number one priority for those with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions, supplements can also play an important role in one's recovery. In this episode Dr. Westin Childs discusses some of the supplements that can benefit people with hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's.…

Want to get rid of inflammation the natural way? Check out these supplements. These 6 anti inflammatory supplements can help cool off inflammation in the body and help you feel better. Why is inflammation a problem? It is well known that inflammation can result in weight gain, arthritis, joint pain, hormone imbalances, sleep disturbances, immune sy…

Many people with hyperthyroidism are told to get the radioactive iodine uptake test. But is this test really necessary? In this episode Dr. Eric discusses whether those with hyperthyroidism should get this test done, and if there are any risks with getting it.By Dr. Eric Osansky

Add these 7 thyroid superfoods to your diet to naturally support thyroid function. What is a thyroid superfood? Well, a superfood is just a food that has more nutrients per unit compared to other foods. There's nothing magical about these superfoods except that they provide more of the nutrients that your thyroid needs compared to other choices. Th…

Infections are a potential trigger of Graves' disease and Hashimoto's, and in this episode Dr. Nikolas Hedberg discusses some of the more common infections associated with these conditions, including how to test for them and some of the different treatment options. We'll be chatting about Epstein-Barr, H. pylori, parasites, and other infections tha…

Are you experiencing thyroid related hair loss? If so, you aren't alone! Hair loss is one of the most damaging and concerning symptoms caused by low thyroid function and it's what we are going to be discussing today!I've talked previously about how to treat thyroid related hair loss and today I want to expand on that. But to recap, you need to know…

It's common for people with hyperthyroidism to have elevated liver markers. The reason why elevated liver markers are a concern is because this indicates that liver damage is taking place. In this episode I will discuss why these markers are commonly elevated in those with hyperthyroidism, and I'll also talk about the different options you have.…

This video outlines my best tips and tricks to get better sleep. Sleep is probably the single most important therapy that I know of when it comes to treating just about ALL diseases and conditions. Want to lose more weight? Get more sleep. Want to reduce inflammation in your body? Get more sleep. Want to improve your autoimmune disease? Get more sl…

In this episode Dr. Eric Osansky chats with Dr. Amie Hornaman about thyroid blood tests. If you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and want to know what blood tests you should order, how frequently you should do them, and what the ranges should be, then this episode is meant for you.By Dr. Eric Osansky

Did you know that getting into the sauna 3-5 times per week may actually be able to treat Hashimoto's thyroiditis? FAR IR sauna has a number of benefits that you as a Hashimoto's patient should be aware of so you can take advantage of them. First, let's talk about what a FAR IR sauna is and how it compares to a regular Finnish sauna. The FAR IR sau…

#012- Although many people with hyperthyroidism lose weight, some people gain weight. During this episode both scenarios will be addressed, as Dr. Eric will discuss both weight gain and weight loss strategies for people with hyperthyroidism. For more information on how to save your thyroid, including a free thyroid/immune action points checklist, v…

Should you avoid the keto diet if you have thyroid problems? Will the ketogenic diet cause hypothyroidism or low thyroid function? The answer is maybe. I'm not a huge fan of keto for thyroid patients for a few reasons and we will be discussing those reasons below. Having said that, there is a time and a place for using the keto diet if you have thy…

This body fat hormone guide explains what your body fat tells you about your hormone levels. Have fat in your upper arms? It could be from your estrogen and progesterone. Have fat in your bell? That's cortisol. The list goes on. Your hormones give you a LOT of information about what is happening inside of your body. The food that you eat is importa…

#011 - During this episode Dr. Eric and Sarah Phillipe chat about breast implant illness, including how it can be a potential trigger of thyroid autoimmunity. While this is a must listen for those who have breast implants, just keep in mind that other environmental toxins can be an autoimmune trigger, and a lot of the information in this episode ca…

#010 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss hair loss and hyperthyroidism. Many people with hyperthyroidism experience hair loss, and while the elevated thyroid hormone levels are frequently responsible for this, there can be other factors, which will be discussed during this episode. For more information on how to save your thyroid, including…

These are the 6 most common root causes of Hashimoto's thyroiditis including triggers that you should avoid. These triggers can CAUSE a Hashimoto's flare up. Today we are going to be discussing the most common root CAUSES of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease and must be triggered before it manifests in YOUR b…

#009 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss toxic multinodular goiter. Although most people with hyperthyroidism have Graves' disease, some people have toxic multinodular goiter. And while radioactive iodine and surgery are commonly recommended to people with these condition, there are other options, which of course will be discussed during th…

These steps will make your prescription thyroid medication MORE effective. You'll feel better by using these proven tips. Many thyroid patients have been prescribed thyroid medication yet they don't feel much different once they start taking it. Has that happened to you?You've probably been told that the only way to help you feel better is to adjus…

#008 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss thyroid eye disease, which is very common in those with Graves' disease. During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss both conventional and natural treatment options for thyroid eye disease. For more information on how to save your thyroid, including a free thyroid/immune action points checklist, visit …

So you've been diagnosed with a thyroid problem? What does the world hold for you? What's it like living with hypothyroidism or low thyroid function? That's exactly what we are going to be talking about today!Your thyroid controls and regulates most systems and hormones in your body and, as a thyroid patient, you should be aware of the potential pr…

#007 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss Graves' disease triggers, and how to heal the gut through the 5-R protocol. Remember that Graves' disease is an autoimmune condition, and with any autoimmune condition there will be triggers. And since most of the immune system cells are located in the gut, having a healthy gut is also important for …

Signs you are taking too much levothyroxine and when to know if you need to lower your dose. It's quite common for thyroid patients to accidentally take TOO much levothyroxine. Levothyroxine is the most commonly used medication to treat low thyroid (of all types). Unfortunately, it only works if you are using the correct DOSE, however!And there are…

#006 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss how those with hyperthyroidism can overcome anxiety. This is one of the more common symptoms people with hyperthyroidism experience, and if you have Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, or a different hyperthyroid condition and are experiencing anxiety, then you definitely will want to listen …

In this video, Dr. Amie and I discuss:- Thyroid weight gain and what triggers it- Reverse dieting and how it can help improve your metabolism- Inflammation and its impact on thyroid disease (also the potential sources and causes of inflammation in thyroid patients)- Adrenal fatigue and cortisol testing, the best tests to use, why I don't recommend …

#005 - During this episode Dr. Eric will discuss three reasons why those with hyperthyroidism (including Graves' disease and toxic multinodular goiter) should do what they can to avoid radioactive iodine. And while his goal is to address the underlying cause of hyperthyroidism, he also will discuss whether low dose antithyroid medication is an opti…

In this video, I interview Dr. Eric Osansky. Dr. Eric Osansky is a chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, a certified functional medicine practitioner, and author of the book "Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease. Dr. Osansky was personally diagnosed with Graves' disease and has been in remission through the use of natu…

#004 - During this episode Dr. Eric will give some hyperthyroid diet tips. He will specifically discuss three different diet options those with hyperthyroidism should consider following, and will also give some tips for vegans and vegetarians. For more information on how to save your thyroid, including a free thyroid/immune action points checklist,…

#003 - During this episode Dr. Eric discusses natural symptom management options for hyperthyroidism/Graves' disease. This includes bugleweed, motherwort, hawthorn, lemon balm, L-carnitine, and lithium. He will give general dosing suggestions, and will also discuss when someone should consider taking antithyroid medication. For more information on …

#002 - During this episode Dr. Eric discusses conventional symptom management options for hyperthyroidism/Graves' disease. This includes antithyroid medication (i.e. methimazole, PTU), beta blockers, and he also discusses low dose naltrexone (LDN) and cholestyramine. Although Dr. Eric didn't take medication to manage his hyperthyroid symptoms when …

#001 - During this episode Dr. Eric will share his hyperthyroid story, and then he'll discuss what people with hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease can expect in future episodes. For more information on how to save your thyroid, including a free thyroid/immune action points checklist, visit the following: https://savemythyroid.com/…

These are the top 5 best prescription weight loss medications on the market. These weight loss meds actually work and I've personally used them on many patients with success. I've been helping people lose weight for a long time and over the years I've been able to test many different weight loss medications. I've found that while there are many pre…

In this video, I interview Janie Bowthorpe. Janie Bowthorpe is an author and thyroid advocate. She is the Author of the Stop the Thyroid Madness books as well as the creator of the Stop the Thyroid Madness Website where she has spent many years writing about her experience and the experience of other thyroid patients. With the use of NDT, she was a…

This is the trailer for the Save My Thyroid Podcast!By Dr. Eric Osansky

The unfortunate truth is that most doctors fail thyroid patients. This is why so many thyroid patients are unhappy with their current treatment. As a whole, do you think doctors help or hurt thyroid patients?This survey of over 12,000 thyroid patients shows that doctors, on the average, are not helping thyroid patients. These 12,000 thyroid patient…

Time for another round of thyroid questions and answers! If you have questions, leave them below! Have questions that you want answered? Please leave them in the comments below! I am going to try and answer your questions at least a couple of times per month. Questions in this video come from a post I left on youtube and I will draw from future que…

In this video, I interview Jeff Whelchel. Dr. Jeff Whelchel is an MD practicing in Amarillo Texas. He is trained in Family Medicine where he practiced in conventional medicine for 21 and a half years. He is now practicing functional medicine where he specializes in thyroid management and bioidentical hormone management with the use of BIOTE pellet …

Can the thyroid gland grow back or is it possible to regrow your thyroid? We will explore that very question in this video. One question I get from many thyroid patients is whether or not the thyroid gland can grow back. They are asking because they have often been told that they will need to be on thyroid medication for the rest of their lives. Th…

In this video, I interview Paul Robinson. Paul is a thyroid patient advocate and the author of 3 books on thyroid including Recovering with T3, the Thyroid Patients Manuel, and CT3M Handbook. The key takeaway here is that you do NOT have to continue to suffer as a thyroid patient. Paul has successfully used T3 thyroid medication to recover his heal…

These tests are required if you want to test for inflammation in your body. These tests check for systemic or whole body inflammation. Inflammation is something that you don't want going on in your body. High levels of inflammation in the body increase your risk of developing almost every major disease including autoimmune disease, cancer, heart di…

What is T4 to T3 conversion? T4 to T3 conversion is the most important aspect of thyroid function because it impacts T3 thyroid hormone levels. T4 to T3 conversion is probably the most important aspect of thyroid function and it's something that you should be aware of if you have ANY thyroid problem. T4 to T3 conversion refers to the process in whi…

Is it possible to have Hashimoto's thyroiditis without positive antibodies? The answer is yes and and it occurs in the form of sero negative Hashimoto's. In fact, there are at least 2 conditions that result in negative antibodies even though there is active inflammation (the hallmark of Hashimoto's) in the thyroid gland. One condition is known as s…

Are you currently taking thyroid medication? Have you ever wondered about trying to get off of your thyroid medication? You were probably told that you have to take it for the rest of your life, right?What if I told you that that may not be the case? Well, it's true. There are a lot of thyroid patients who are taking prescription thyroid medication…

The complete list of zinc deficiency symptoms. If you have these symptoms they are a warning sign that your body needs more zinc! Zinc is an incredibly important nutrient and one that plays an important role in many systems in your body. Zinc helps to regulate your immune system, it helps to support thyroid function, it helps with hair growth, ener…

NP thyroid was recently recalled at the end of April due to concerns over the potency of this medication. NP thyroid was one of the remaining few NDT brands left after Nature-throid and WP thyroid were pulled off of the market for reasons last year. NP thyroid was recalled due to issues in dosing where it was found to be sub potent. Subpotency mean…

Thyroid Basics - What Every Thyroid Patient Should Know (Part 2) Podcast Episode with Dr. Greg jones by Dr. Westin Childs - Thyroid and Weight Loss ExpertBy Dr. Westin Childs - Thyroid and Weight Loss Expert

The complete list of Synthroid side effects including hair loss, weight gain, depression, racing heart, palpitations, and MORE. Synthroid is a name brand thyroid medication and frequently used to treat low thyroid function of ANY cause. It's not the same as levothyroxine but it is VERY similar. Unfortunately, Synthroid, like any medication, carries…

Reposted with permission from Dr. Greg Jones. Original video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFJ5g...Dr. Greg Jones interviews me in this podcast episode. In it, we discuss the basics that every thyroid patient should know about thyroid management. You'll learn:The most common symptoms of low thyroid function and why patients oft…

This video outlines how you can use lasers to treat Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Using lasers may help regenerate thyroid gland tissue. Is it possible to regenerate thyroid gland tissue that has been damaged? Well, you can't regrow thyroid gland tissue which is DEAD but you may be able to heal or accelerate the healing process of DAMAGED thyroid gland …

Bioidentical hormones, or body identical hormones, are both SAFE and EFFECTIVE. Learn more about these hormones and why they are so effective. There is a lot of confusion regarding what bioidentical hormones are and what they are not. Unfortunately, this confusion only seems to benefit pharmaceutical companies who want the waters to be muddy. Bioid…

These are the 6 stages of Hashimoto's thyroiditis that every patient with Hashi's will go through. There are no fewer than 6 stages of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and where you fit on these stages matters because it impacts what type of therapies and treatments will work best for you. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease characterized by se…

Dr Westin Childs Hashimoto's Diet

Source: https://player.fm/podcasts/dr-westin-childs-thyroid

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