Black Desert How to Get Out of a Duel

EditedMar 19, 2021, 09:28 (UTC)

# 1




Ever since BDO was released players had to PVP in grind spot losing time on there loot scroll. Not just that, Many innocent players where forced to kill other player which we call Karmaboomers and because of this stuborn piece of garbages, Innocent players gamelife was annoyed. karmaboomers will take there gear off and come to grind location to forcely full take over grind spot even after they lost in BDO religious ritual called "Duel for spot". Thus Karmaboomer 2nd planed after successfully "Karma boomed!!!" is that they will wear there DP gear/fully gear and CC to mob feed and innocent player lose there time on there Loot scrolls and many other buffs (Massage for KB:Those LS and other potions doesn't come for free you garbages). So let's take a 10 sec in silance for those innocent players pain of losing cause from now on PA can't say that they are still looking to solve this problem.

Planning of this system - No PVE server needed.

Each grind zone in BDO will be marked and i don't litrally mean marked, i mean like in NW, they will be highlighted wil colors (which u can turn off & on in setting). Inside that Zone there will be small zones which we are calling grind spots. Each grind spots inside will be marked blue if no player is there and if there is player then ofcourse it will be marked as red. Now it doesn't mean if player is inside it's taken, Hey!!! this is Black Desert Online we are talking about; train for PVP and learn your class. So player inside a Zone vs player asking to duel for spot and loser stays out.

PVP System inside the zone.

PVP system inside a grind spot/zone will be different and unique. And how will it be a unique is no side will lose time on there buffs and scrolls. All monsters will be Time Freezed and there HP will remain the same as it was before time freezed, (hey guys!!! it's time freeze, i hope i don't have to open a encyclopedia or come to you personally to explain time freeze.)

And "how will this start" you question? Well it's simple. Player 1 who is grinding will keep on grinding. Player 2 if come inside the grind zone, will see a "D.F.S" button. After the Player 2 presses that button, that zone will be time freezed when time freezed; ALL your time on Scrolls, Potions effects, E buff, Z buff will be time freezed. All the debuffs on that player will be removed and mobs will be time freezed and the opacity of mobs body will be very low which means they will look like as if they are fadeing away, awasome right? :) . Why mobs opacity low? cause Player 1 or player 2 don't have to say "(Damm/dang/fk/shit...) i didn't saw u comming".

Player 2 must find Player 1 within 120 seconds. You can play pika-buuu!!! game if you want. Above Player 1 head there will be a Arrow pointing at Player 1 and Player 1 will have a big Red circle around him and Player 2 will be able to see Player 1 in mini-map. After Player 2 reaches inside Player 1's red circle, They will have 20 seconds to type the word "R" on there general Chat. The Player who dosen't type "R" in general chat, that player will be kicked out of grind zone for 60 munites; simple!!! (we don't have all day for him/her to say "r" XD). And If Player 2 doesn't reach Player 1 within 120sec, Player 2 will be kicked out of grind zone.

[Honor & Balanced Mode explained below]

Duel began [Honor Mode]!!! now as a duel begins Player 2 has 300 seconds to kill Player 1 and if player 2 dies or doesn't kill player 1 within 300 seconds then Player 2 will be kicked out of grind zone [Only in Honor Mode] and Player 2 can't D.F.Sagainst Player 1 for 60 minutes inside that grind zone. And Player 1 can grind for 60 minutes without any problem against Player 2.

Duel began [Normal Mode]!!! now as a duel begins Player 2 has 300 seconds to kill Player 1 or  Player 1 has 300 seconds to kill player 2.

After 300 seconds if both player are alive, then the winner will be selected. The player with most HP wins!!! and take the grind spot for 60 minutes.

What about the grind spots where there needs 2-3 players to grind?

If Player 1 and Player 2 are in party then Player 3 can't D.F.Scause Player 3 needs Player 4 so that they can D.F.S in 2v2 team. Rules are same.

What if Player 2 doesn't press D.F.S button and aggros mobs and annoyes Player 1?

A very good question. As soon as Player 2 enters Grind Zone, Player 2's body opacity will be lowered which means Player 2 will be same as the mobs when time freezed (Trasnparent body) and Player 2 will not be able to aggro mobs. Player 2 will not be able to damage mobs. Player 2 pet's (dragon, spirit, demon...) will be in lower opacity as well and all animation effects of Player 2 skills will be invisible. So that Player 2 can't disturb Player 1. And Player 2 will receive Damage from mobs AOE while Player 1 is grinding if Player 2 keeps standing. (ofcourse Player 1 & Player 2 can chat and waste time if they chose to do so).

In this way if Players are doing quest or if they are just Passerby, they will not be able to disturb Players who are grinding.

Honor & Balance Mode

Hey that's not fair, Player with low gear score will never be able to win against Players with 300AP or more gear score. We have to keep waiting in fear that someone will come and take our spot?!! Not fair man.

In D.F.S mode. There will be 2 option able. Balance Mode & Honor Mode. This option will have no mojority rules. If in 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 even if a single player press Balance Modethen fight will start on Balance Mode. Honor Mode is for those who wants to fight on there Honory way, with no changes and respecting each other gear score.

What is Balance Mode? Balance Mode is a system where your AP & DP will be matched with the Mobs on that location. Where players will absolutly can't kill each other with 1-2 skills.

Lol then everyone will chose Balance Mode and avoid aggrement to fight in Honor Mode?!!!

WELCOME TO BLACK DESERT ONLINE!!! Here you chose to main 1 or more classes doesn't matter but you have to learn your class instead of just spaming skills. Take it with grain of salt. Developers on BDO has desinged the calss mainely for PVP system and USE YOUR HEAD AND YOUR CLASS SKILLS.

Thank you guys for taking you time to read this all.

Please leave your feed back on this system and how it suits you.

Please try to be nice in chat and don't be toxic.

PostedMar 19, 2021, 14:26 (UTC)

# 2

I disagree.

EditedMar 19, 2021, 14:50 (UTC)

# 3

Even though I disagree because I see the game as wild, dangerous, and such regulating systems would be a little too much in my opinion (that's totally personal), I can only be impressed by your proposal!

Well constructed, it makes sense, you even thought about the possible flaws and proposed a counter. So, I'm not convinced but gratz, we need more players like you trying to propose constructive things for everyone.

(damn, I'm even sorry to disagree...)

EditedMar 19, 2021, 15:40 (UTC)

# 4

Disagree hard.

Player must remains completly free and do their own self-regulation (or not)

The only thing that would change and as been asked for fking 5 years is a forced to go town after a pvp death and a damned pvp death cooldown.

The pvp of a real mmorpg is Pvp Domination.  not Elion Tear domination.

PostedMar 19, 2021, 16:07 (UTC)

# 5


Dual for spot and karma bombing dont exist.

If you never alt+c, you never have to cry.

the only thing that exists is declaration of war against another guild.

PostedMar 19, 2021, 16:35 (UTC)

# 6

Time zone to freeze? What? I greatly do not approve of what you thought. You can't freeze a zone. To do that you have to freeze the whole game! Just... What did I just read?

PostedMar 19, 2021, 23:34 (UTC)

# 7

On: Mar 19, 2021, 16:35 (UTC), Written by Krastonosezs

Time zone to freeze? What? I greatly do not approve of what you thought. You can't freeze a zone. To do that you have to freeze the whole game! Just... What did I just read?

it's not Time Zone to freeze, it's Time Freeze.

As a warrior you can stun 10 other players with one skill or even float them which is call 100% CC with no resistance. Now think in this way. You are stunning all the mobs inside that small zone and the time on your scrolls, potions, food will stop as well. So in our eyes it will be like Time Freeze. Now the part where mobs will look like fading away; Think that like a ninja invisible skill but on transparent side.

Everything already exist all they have to do it add.

You can't freeze a zone. To do that you have to freeze the whole game! Just... What did I just read?

XDDDD. I guess first u have to learn difference between,

Community < Socity < City < Country < continent < World!!! < Galaxy < Milkyway < UNIVERS < Muity verse < phantom dimensions of co-ordinate multi vers.

PostedMar 19, 2021, 23:39 (UTC)

# 8

DFS is a NA/EU mentality

personally I just ignore them and let them go red, then I tell them you paid your fee, you can have the spot and then megaphone that there is a red player on server x at spot y

PostedMar 19, 2021, 23:48 (UTC)

# 9

I'm sorry if I missed this detail, but what if:

1: a player wishes to grind uninterrupted, but multiple different players keep entering the zone and requesting duel over and over, consistently freezing time for the grinder until they give up and just leave. Each individual player who comes in cannot continue to request DFS after their first shot -- but enough players working together could completely ruin a person's hour by just each queuing up to initiate a duel, freezing the spot consecutive times if they coordinate

2: if the above is impossible, (pwerhaps defending your spot gives you immunity from duels/freezes for 60 minutes?) a player wishing to grind uninterrupted could have an alt account or a friend to enter the spot, request duel and lose - thus making the spot solidly theirs for 60 minutes.

I think the creativity here is cool but this is an awfully complex system. and sounds easily exploitable in ways that would need to be pretty carefully reviewed and cause a lot of extra work for GMs sifting thru them each time its abused.

Why don't we just open up Olvia servers for Pve-only for *everyone* regardless of new/returner status, and then any people who hate DFS can either play on a no-PvP server or they can play on Arsha.

PostedMar 20, 2021, 00:38 (UTC)

# 10

On: Mar 19, 2021, 23:48 (UTC), Written by Veltas

I'm sorry if I missed this detail, but what if:

1: a player wishes to grind uninterrupted, but multiple different players keep entering the zone and requesting duel over and over, consistently freezing time for the grinder until they give up and just leave. Each individual player who comes in cannot continue to request DFS after their first shot -- but enough players working together could completely ruin a person's hour by just each queuing up to initiate a duel, freezing the spot consecutive times if they coordinate

2: if the above is impossible, (pwerhaps defending your spot gives you immunity from duels/freezes for 60 minutes?) a player wishing to grind uninterrupted could have an alt account or a friend to enter the spot, request duel and lose - thus making the spot solidly theirs for 60 minutes.

I think the creativity here is cool but this is an awfully complex system. and sounds easily exploitable in ways that would need to be pretty carefully reviewed and cause a lot of extra work for GMs sifting thru them each time its abused.

Why don't we just open up Olvia servers for Pve-only for *everyone* regardless of new/returner status, and then any people who hate DFS can either play on a no-PvP server or they can play on Arsha.

1: a player wishes to grind uninterrupted, but multiple different players keep entering the zone and requesting duel over and over, consistently freezing time for the grinder until they give up and just leave. Each individual player who comes in cannot continue to request DFS after their first shot -- but enough players working together could completely ruin a person's hour by just each queuing up to initiate a duel, freezing the spot consecutive times if they coordinate.

A. As you might know some of the players in BDO respects this DFS system and leave quitely as soon as they left the spot and never saw that player ganging up just to grind for few hours.

B. As you might as well that this is BDO XDDDD. There is Cool Down system everywhere so ofcourse Player 3could have to wait for 10 - 15 mins after Player 2 vs Player 1match is over.

C. And the most important thing to notice is that you will not lose what so ever time on your scrolls, potions or any buffs and there is a balance mode which means you also don't have to worry for that player to be a whale and one shotting you which means all the time u have putten to learn you class, will come to be tested everytime.

2: if the above is impossible, (pwerhaps defending your spot gives you immunity from duels/freezes for 60 minutes?) a player wishing to grind uninterrupted could have an alt account or a friend to enter the spot, request duel and lose - thus making the spot solidly theirs for 60 minutes.

A. Good question but you should know same player will not be able to keep changing charaters to DFS and disturbe Player inside because i am sure PA's small brain should catch-up with this gap. A solid solution could be a family name. If you family name is in there, on DFS system CD list then no matter how many charaters you change, you will not be able to disturbe that player.

B. Even if Player 2 calls this friends to help him DFS, Player 2 will not be the one to win that spot cause that spot will be won by his friend, so it's pointless to think that Player 2 will take spot after his friend win. If player 2 is in party then ofcourse his party members will share his Cool Downs.

I think the creativity here is cool but this is an awfully complex system. and sounds easily exploitable in ways that would need to be pretty carefully reviewed and cause a lot of extra work for GMs sifting thru them each time its abused.

If you think in straight forward way then you will find that this system is not complex at all. It's like that i did all PA's Homework and all they have to do is Copypaste or twist here and there and show to there teacher. And there is exactly nothing new on this system. Everything already exist in Game and all PA have to do is add. The point is to create a balanced system and after this system GM's will have less time to deal with player tickets over DFS or reports or anything connceted to that system. Balanced system requires less time to keep checking. And there will absolutely no profit & loss to this system to abused.

Hey!!! Player 2 whole guild vs Player 1? No probem, player 1 will not lose anything, not even a time in his scrolls or anything and there is 15 mins CD to think about it so .... Player 1 can only be DFS 4 time in 60 minutes time. Hey 4 duel with balance mode?!!! No worries if you know you class.

Why don't we just open up Olvia servers for Pve-only for *everyone* regardless of new/returner status, and then any people who hate DFS can either play on a no-PvP server or they can play on Arsha.

How many ppl on earth do you think honestly follows the rules created for them? very few will do. Even in COVID-19 goverments said all he can to make ppl relized to follow the rules but hey!!! 60-50% of them said "Fk u and ur rules" thus they got COVID-19.

My inner self always said to me "Locks on doors are for good peopls not for thief".

If there is no balance system then there will be no balance world unless it's intended to create BrainDead system which have many leaks in future.

I hope you understand me and what humans can do. Toxic & darkness is like a water or gas, they will find there way inside unless the lead is closed hardly.

Black Desert How to Get Out of a Duel


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